We want to know what you think

    • A satisfaction questionnaire is given to all of our patients when they check out, to ask their opinion about the reception, care, hospitality, etc.

The overall satisfaction rate is 97%. In their comments, our patients particularly praised the staff’s availability and attentiveness.


  • Our facilities participate in the E-SATIS survey organized by the Haute Autorité de Santé. When you are admitted, you will be asked for your email address, and after you leave you may receive an online questionnaire to be filled out anonymously. Thank you for your participation.

Certification and accreditation

  • Our clinics are certified by the Haute Autorité de Santé.

You can access the certification reports on the Haute Autorité de Santé website here

  • Our physicians participate in the medical accreditation process. Search for an accredited doctor by clicking here.


Combatting nosocomial infections

Preventing nosocomial infections is a priority in our facilities:

  • a hygiene specialist trains staff in hygiene rules and ensures that these rules are followed: hand hygiene, clean work apparel, keeping hair tied back, etc.
  • hand hygiene: hand sanitizer is available in all hospital rooms, consultation rooms and in the surgical wing
  • when you visit someone who is ill, consider using hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the room.



Our 2018 indicators of measures taken to combat nosocomial infections (data from 2017) demonstrate the scale of the means that we have put into place to prevent the risk of infection:

Composite Indicators of Protective Measures:     Ambroise Paré Pierre Cherest Hartmann
Appropriate use of antibiotics (ICATB) A A A
Hand sanitizer use (ICSHA 3) B C B

Verification of patient identity       

The right care for the right patient.

Your identity is your security.

Help us take care of you.

During your stay, you will regularly be asked for your last name, first name and date of birth.

Before undergoing any test, you will be given an identity bracelet to ensure your identification; minors will be given one as soon as they arrive that will be valid for their entire stay.

Our indicators

Every year, our facilities are evaluated for indicators of the quality and safety of care


Participation in risk management projects with the Local Health Authority (Agence Régionale de Santé)

Our facilities are involved in Local Health Authority (Agence Régionale de Santé) projects designed to improve the quality and safety of care. Currently, we participate in two projects:

  • Pare à Chute
  • Patient identification safety