The 2016-2019 Charter for Sustainable Development


“The needs of current generations must be met, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs”


The Ambroise Paré, Pierre Cherest and Hartmann clinics are committed to sustainable development. Like all healthcare facilities, the clinics consume energy, produce waste and are a source of environmental risks.


It is in this spirit that we have formulated this sustainable development charter to establish principles and goals for the years to come.


Our charter addresses five main priorities


  • Maximize the value of our human resources through training, mutual respect and considering the needs of staff members.
  • Improve the quality of life of employees and physicians through listening and dialogue.


  • Develop an ecologically responsible relationship with our providers by engaging in responsible purchasing.
  • Follow waste sorting guidelines.
  • Performing an energy use audit.


Carbon footprint of the Ambroise Paré – Pierre Cherest – Hartmann Clinics

Consult our report here 


You too can help save our environment:


chauffage Heating :

lower the thermostat if it is too warm in your room, or only keep the window open for 5 minutes to air out the room if your room is heated.


bruit  Noise :

limit noise to respect patients’ need for quiet and to make our environment as pleasant a possible.


dechet Waste :

sort your waste appropriately.


eau Water :

limit use to only what is necessary.


eclairage Lighting :

turn the light off during the day and do not leave the light on when you are not in the room.


electricite Electricity :

remember to turn off the television when you leave the room, and unplug your electrical appliances.


entretien Housekeeping :

respect the work of the housekeeping staff for a more pleasant stay for everyone.