Your rights in clinical research regarding your personal data

The Ambroise Paré CMC (25-27 boulevard Victor Hugo, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine), as a healthcare provider, is committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of your personal data.

Why do we collect your data?

In accordance with article 6 of the General Ruling on Data Protection (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD)), on the legal basis of carrying out a project with public interest and in agreement with the need to analyze data for scientific research purposes, your personal data that are strictly necessary in terms of the study objectives can be collected in coded form (anonymized).

What types of data are collected?

These data include administrative (e.g., initials, sex, age, etc.) and medical (e.g., test results, diseases, personal and family history, etc.) information recorded in your medical file when you receive care at the facility or information collected through a questionnaire.

The data used in our studies do not include identifying data.

Who has access to your medical information?

Members of the research team who are authorized to perform the analyses will access the data under the supervision of the scientific lead. Doctor-patient confidentiality applies to these individuals.

The results from the analyses will be published in scientific journals or presented at conferences.

For how long are your data saved?

Your anonymized data will be saved for 2 years after the last publication of the research results or until the final report is written up if there will be no publication, and will then be archived for 15 years.

What are your rights?

In accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology and Freedoms (Informatique et Libertés) law and the RGPD, you have the right to access, correct, and limit, opt out of, and erase analysis of your data.

These rights can be exercised by filling out the Opt-Out of Data Reuse for Research Purposes Form and sending it to the facility’s data protection delegate: DPO – Service Juridique, CMC Ambroise Paré, 27 boulevard Victor Hugo, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine or by email:

You also have the right to file a complaint with CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS or at

For more information: