Chirurgien orthopédiste
Praticien Hospitalier
Ancien Chef de Clinique Assistant
Ancien Interne des hôpitaux de Paris
Assessment of the Radiation Exposure of Surgeons and Patients During a Lumbar Microdiskectomy and a Cervical Microdiskectomy: A French Prospective Multicenter Study. Grelat M, Greffier J, Sabatier P, Dauzac C, Lonjon G, Debono B, Le Roy J, Kouyoumdjïan P, Lonjon N. World Neurosurg. 2016 May;89:329-36. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.02.021. Epub 2016 Feb 12.
Surgery in vertebral fracture: epidemiology and functional and radiological results in a prospective series of 518 patients at 1 year’s follow-up. Bouyer B, Vassal M, Zairi F, Dhenin A, Grelat M, Dubory A, Giorgi H, Walter A, Lonjon. G, Dauzac C, Lonjon N. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2015 Feb;101(1):11-5. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2014.11.012. Epub 2015 Jan 14.
Survey of French spine surgeons reveals significant variability in spine trauma practices in 2013. Lonjon G, Grelat M, Dhenin A, Dauzac C, Lonjon N, Kepler CK, Vaccaro AR. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2015 Feb;101(1):5-10. doi: 10.1016/j.otsr.2014.10.018. Epub 2015 Jan 9
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