Ancien Chef de Clinique Assistant
Ancien Interne des Hôpitaux
Ghebontni L, Roger B, El-koury J, Brasseur JL, Grenier P. MR arthrography of the hip: normal intra-articular structures and common disorders. Eur Radiol. 2000; 10(1):83-8.
Ghebontni L, El-khoury J, Nguyen-Khaç E, Bernard J, Grenier P, Bellin MF. Subacute intestinal obstruction due to bladder distension. J Radiol. 1998 Sep;79(9):880-2.
Precetti-Morel S, Bellin MF, Ghebontni L, Zaïm S, Opolon P, Poynard T, Mathurin P, Cluzel P. Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver on ferumoxides-enhanced MR imaging: features conventional spin-echo, fast spin-echo and gradient-echo pulse sequences.Eur Radiol. 1999;(8)1535-42.
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